Row row row your boat,
Gently down the stream,
merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.
I love the song. A few of my friends enjoyed the matches of Olymic during the last two weeks, Everynight they watch the games till 2am. Now, think about the things happened during the Period, whatever who wins, whatever what happened, It is all gone, Is it like a dream? Maybe we need think about it.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Daffodil Day
I have a very very happy day. Thanks for all the people helping me whenever I got problem. special thanks to the guy of dental clinic this moring, helping me to fix the computer keyboard. Even it is a small thing for him, but it's meaning a lot to me. Otherwise the stress will attack to me as I am so busy at that time. any unexpected trouble might hit me. I remind myself, try to help others also, even a tiny thing. From that way, People happy, I happy, That is my whole life target. On the way to the target, I happy to learn and try different things, not for me, that's for us. for our whole world.
Daffodil Day
Wake up in the early morning, rushing to the station, suddenly the yellow colours in front of all my view. I haven't realise it's Daffodil Day. Thanks for the volunteers of the stalls, thanks to all the supported people. You see this beautiful yellow flower everywhere. You can feel the love across Sydney everywhere. Give this yellow to your friend, your neighbour, and the people around you, What is your feeling? Safe? Access? Inclusion?I have a very very happy day. Thanks for all the people helping me whenever I got problem. special thanks to the guy of dental clinic this moring, helping me to fix the computer keyboard. Even it is a small thing for him, but it's meaning a lot to me. Otherwise the stress will attack to me as I am so busy at that time. any unexpected trouble might hit me. I remind myself, try to help others also, even a tiny thing. From that way, People happy, I happy, That is my whole life target. On the way to the target, I happy to learn and try different things, not for me, that's for us. for our whole world.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Understanding and forgiving
If we got a friend who does a wrong thing, for example, he hiding something to us. Once we discover it, What is our feeling? Been hurt or annoyed?
It is fair to ask the reason rather than do it by our own way. Maybe he have to do it for some special need. Once we know the truth, we might understanding our friend and forgive him. That is the way to treat friends.
It is not important what people does, It is very important for what people thought, know their heart. As hearts are always hide inside the deeds.
Relationship between countries is same.
Hope all the countries in the world have good friendship, That is the Olmpic spirit. Whatever happened in the open ceremory or close ceremory of Olmpic, We trust our friend, everything they are doing just wants to show the best to the world. What's wrong with it?
If the world filled more understanding and forgiving each other, Peace is in front of us. The globe warming won't happen. Our beautiful shared future is not a dream.
Understanding and forgiving
If we got a friend who does a wrong thing, for example, he hiding something to us. Once we discover it, What is our feeling? Been hurt or annoyed?
It is fair to ask the reason rather than do it by our own way. Maybe he have to do it for some special need. Once we know the truth, we might understanding our friend and forgive him. That is the way to treat friends.
It is not important what people does, It is very important for what people thought, know their heart. As hearts are always hide inside the deeds.
Relationship between countries is same.
Hope all the countries in the world have good friendship, That is the Olmpic spirit. Whatever happened in the open ceremory or close ceremory of Olmpic, We trust our friend, everything they are doing just wants to show the best to the world. What's wrong with it?
If the world filled more understanding and forgiving each other, Peace is in front of us. The globe warming won't happen. Our beautiful shared future is not a dream.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Story of apple tree
從前有一棵樹,她好愛一個小男孩。每天男孩都會跑來,收集她的葉子,把葉子編成皇冠,伴起森林裡的國王。男孩會爬上樹幹,抓著樹枝盪起鞦韆,吃吃蘋果。他們會一起玩抓迷藏,玩累了,男孩就在他的樹蔭下睡著。男孩好愛這棵樹,好愛喔!樹好快樂! 日子一天天的過去,男孩長大了,樹常常好孤單。
有一天男孩來到樹下,樹說:「來啊,孩子,來,爬上我的樹幹,抓著我的樹枝盪鞦韆,吃吃頻果,在我的樹蔭下玩耍,快快樂樂的。」 「我不是小孩子了,我不要爬樹和玩耍。」男孩說,「我要買東西來玩,我要錢。妳可以給我一些錢嗎?」 「真抱歉,」樹說,「我沒有錢。我只有樹葉和頻果。孩子,拿我的頻果到城裡去賣。這樣,你就會有錢,你就會快樂了。」 於是男孩爬到樹上,摘下她的頻果,把頻果通通帶走了。 樹好快樂。
男孩好久沒有再來……樹好傷心。 有一天,男孩回來了,樹高興地發抖,她說:「來啊,孩子,爬上我的樹幹,抓著我的樹枝盪鞦韆,快快樂樂的。」 「我太忙了,沒時間爬樹。」男孩說,「我想要一間房子保暖,我想要妻子和小孩,所以我需要房子,你能給我一間房子嗎?」 「我沒有房子,」樹說,「森林就是我的房子,不過你可以砍下我的樹枝去蓋房子,這樣你就會快樂了。」於是男孩砍下了她的樹枝,把樹枝帶走去蓋房子。 樹好快樂,可是男孩好久都沒有再來,所以當男孩再回來時,樹好快樂,快樂得幾乎說不出話來。 「來啊,孩子,」她輕輕地說,「過來,來玩啊!」 「我又老又傷心,玩不動了。」男孩說,「我想要一條船,可以帶我離開這裡,妳可以給我一艘船嗎?」 「砍下我的樹幹去造船吧!這樣你就可以遠航,你就會快樂。」樹說。 於是男孩砍下她的樹幹造了條船,坐船走了。 樹好快樂,但不是真的。
過了好久好久,那男孩又再回來了。 「我很抱歉,孩子,」樹說,「我已經沒有東西可以給你了,我的頻果沒了。」 「我的牙齒也咬不動頻果了。」男孩說。 「我的樹枝沒了,你不能在上面盪鞦韆。」 「我太老了,沒有辦法在樹枝上盪鞦韆。」 「我的樹幹沒了,你不能爬。」 「我太累了,爬不動的。」 「我真希望我能給你什麼,可是我什麼也沒了。我只剩下一塊老樹幹。我很抱歉……。」 「我現在要的不多,」男孩說,「只要一個安靜可以休息的地方。我好累好累。」 「好啊!」樹一邊說,一邊努力挺直身子,「正好啊,老樹根是最適合坐下來休息的。來啊,孩子,坐下來,坐下來休息。」 男孩坐了下來,樹好快樂……。
【心得】 那棵樹,就好像我們的爸爸、媽媽,我們就好像那個小男孩,小時候,我們總是圍繞在爸爸、媽媽的周圍玩耍,漸漸地長大後,會離開父母的身邊,而且不常回來。而且,每次回來,就是不快樂的時候,不然就是有什麼需要的時候。而父母都會把他們身上最好的、最符合我們需要的東西交給我們,這時我們總是拿了東西,轉身就走,留下渴望我們留在他們身旁的父母,凝視著漸小的背影。
他們有這樣子的義務對我們嗎?沒有。 那又為了什麼使他們這樣做?只因為愛!我想只有愛的力量才那麼大。而我們摸摸自己的心,我們是以什麼樣的「愛」去回饋給他們呢?茶來伸手、飯來張口?動不動發脾氣?把在外受到的委屈都發洩在他們身上?當他們孤單的時候我們在哪裡?當他們需要我們時候我們在哪裡?
有一天男孩來到樹下,樹說:「來啊,孩子,來,爬上我的樹幹,抓著我的樹枝盪鞦韆,吃吃頻果,在我的樹蔭下玩耍,快快樂樂的。」 「我不是小孩子了,我不要爬樹和玩耍。」男孩說,「我要買東西來玩,我要錢。妳可以給我一些錢嗎?」 「真抱歉,」樹說,「我沒有錢。我只有樹葉和頻果。孩子,拿我的頻果到城裡去賣。這樣,你就會有錢,你就會快樂了。」 於是男孩爬到樹上,摘下她的頻果,把頻果通通帶走了。 樹好快樂。
男孩好久沒有再來……樹好傷心。 有一天,男孩回來了,樹高興地發抖,她說:「來啊,孩子,爬上我的樹幹,抓著我的樹枝盪鞦韆,快快樂樂的。」 「我太忙了,沒時間爬樹。」男孩說,「我想要一間房子保暖,我想要妻子和小孩,所以我需要房子,你能給我一間房子嗎?」 「我沒有房子,」樹說,「森林就是我的房子,不過你可以砍下我的樹枝去蓋房子,這樣你就會快樂了。」於是男孩砍下了她的樹枝,把樹枝帶走去蓋房子。 樹好快樂,可是男孩好久都沒有再來,所以當男孩再回來時,樹好快樂,快樂得幾乎說不出話來。 「來啊,孩子,」她輕輕地說,「過來,來玩啊!」 「我又老又傷心,玩不動了。」男孩說,「我想要一條船,可以帶我離開這裡,妳可以給我一艘船嗎?」 「砍下我的樹幹去造船吧!這樣你就可以遠航,你就會快樂。」樹說。 於是男孩砍下她的樹幹造了條船,坐船走了。 樹好快樂,但不是真的。
過了好久好久,那男孩又再回來了。 「我很抱歉,孩子,」樹說,「我已經沒有東西可以給你了,我的頻果沒了。」 「我的牙齒也咬不動頻果了。」男孩說。 「我的樹枝沒了,你不能在上面盪鞦韆。」 「我太老了,沒有辦法在樹枝上盪鞦韆。」 「我的樹幹沒了,你不能爬。」 「我太累了,爬不動的。」 「我真希望我能給你什麼,可是我什麼也沒了。我只剩下一塊老樹幹。我很抱歉……。」 「我現在要的不多,」男孩說,「只要一個安靜可以休息的地方。我好累好累。」 「好啊!」樹一邊說,一邊努力挺直身子,「正好啊,老樹根是最適合坐下來休息的。來啊,孩子,坐下來,坐下來休息。」 男孩坐了下來,樹好快樂……。
【心得】 那棵樹,就好像我們的爸爸、媽媽,我們就好像那個小男孩,小時候,我們總是圍繞在爸爸、媽媽的周圍玩耍,漸漸地長大後,會離開父母的身邊,而且不常回來。而且,每次回來,就是不快樂的時候,不然就是有什麼需要的時候。而父母都會把他們身上最好的、最符合我們需要的東西交給我們,這時我們總是拿了東西,轉身就走,留下渴望我們留在他們身旁的父母,凝視著漸小的背影。
他們有這樣子的義務對我們嗎?沒有。 那又為了什麼使他們這樣做?只因為愛!我想只有愛的力量才那麼大。而我們摸摸自己的心,我們是以什麼樣的「愛」去回饋給他們呢?茶來伸手、飯來張口?動不動發脾氣?把在外受到的委屈都發洩在他們身上?當他們孤單的時候我們在哪裡?當他們需要我們時候我們在哪裡?
Sunday, August 10, 2008
我去一個小學演講,經過音樂教室前,看到一個孩子伸著兩隻穿著襪子的腳,坐在教室門口哭,我正想問他為什麼哭時,老師一把把我拉住說:「不要幫他穿鞋子,開學已經六週了,每次上音樂課,他都要 老師幫他穿鞋子,已經三年級了,還不肯自己學著穿,每次都哭到有人替他穿為止,我們現在決定訓練他自己穿。他要自己肯學,別人教他才有用。」我聽了非常訝異,怎麼有三年級還不會穿鞋子?父母會不會保護過頭了?老師說現在孩子成熟得慢,有進了小學還不會拿筷子的孩子,也有不會扣扣子的等等,令人想到英國的查理王子,連牙膏都要侍從替他擠。有人認為這是福氣,什麼事都有人做得好好的,自己不必動手,我卻認為這是看不起自己,把自己當廢物看待,侍從一不在,自己就不能生活了。無獨有偶,回到家把報紙打開來看時,看到嘉義有位老師,讀者投書「小小晉惠帝,你我是幫凶」,原來這位老師在班上讓學生看一部電影《跑吧!孩子》,講一對小兄妹沒有錢買鞋子,輪流穿一雙鞋,有一天鞋子不見了,引出一串風波的故事。演完後,老師問學生的感想,學生說鞋子不見了,再買一雙就好,幹嘛這麼辛苦,大費周 章呢?電影中,小女孩的母親要臨盆了,她趕著去鄰村請產婆,跑到一半,鞋子壞掉,她只好光著腳跑過滿是碎玻璃和尖石頭的路,滿腳鮮血淋漓,我們的學生完全不能了解為什麼小女孩不顧自己的痛,還要繼續跑,七嘴八舌在批評她不會想別的方法,沒有想到她的母親正躺在床上等她去求救。建國中學有位專門帶數理資優 班的老師,在他寫的書《我的資優班》中,也提到颱風時,豪雨引起土石流,把山地一個村莊給埋掉了,他在感嘆生命無常時,一個學生說:「活該,誰叫他們要住那裡,幹麼不搬下來到安全的地方住!」一句話令人馬上想到晉惠帝及法國大革命時的皇后瑪莉•安東尼(Marie Antoinette, 1755-1793)。我們的教育怎麼了?怎麼連第一流學校資優班的學生思想都如此幼稚?他們難道以為每個人都像他們一樣要什麼有什麼,吃好的,用好的,暑假去美國、加拿大遊學?這種飽漢不知餓漢飢的反應,使我想起桃芝颱風來襲時,尖石鄉居民用直升機撤離,一位國小校長向某慈善基金會要求緊急安置款,該基金會竟然要校長先寫計劃書送過來,等他們看了再決定,遠水救不了近火,令人感嘆。坐在冷氣房中的人完全無法體會無家可歸的緊急性。台灣的同理心,不但學生沒有,連大人也沒有。難怪政府官員的思考模式與決策都是如此自我中心,完全不知民間疾苦。他們大筆一揮「封山」,立刻斷掉梨山農民的生路,成堆的高麗菜爛在田裡,有車沒有路可以運下山去賣。孩子因此無錢繳學費,還得翻過中央山脈到宜蘭去上學,變成咫尺天涯。
看起來,我們真的是如嘉義 那位老師所說的,都是幫凶。我們沒有讓孩子去體驗課本以外的生活,沒有給他們機會去感受別人的苦難。歐洲有一個盲啞學校的校長規定,新進老師必須綁上眼罩一週,連睡覺都不可拿下,切實體驗盲人的感覺。校長說老師若不能體驗學生的狀況,便無法產生同理心,就無法拉近師生距離,便不會有好的教學效果。這位校長真是對極了,因為老師在綁上眼罩不見天日後,立刻體會到盲童的辛苦,不再責怪他們動作太慢,不耐煩的催他們快點。台灣近年來自殺率一直居高不下,加上一連串的學童惡作劇,如把剪刀放在同學的椅子上,把同學的直腸戳破;把柳丁當球從二樓擲下,打瞎同學的眼睛等等,這些無知所造成受害者不可逆轉的身心傷害,終於使政府看到生命教育的重要性,開始推動生命教育。但是推行的方法仍然是課堂授課,由政府出錢編寫生命教育的課本,再擠壓原有的上課時數來「教」生命教育。其實生命教育不是用「教」的,它是用「體會」的,考它、背它是緣木求魚,徒勞無功。老師只要不出一大堆家庭作業,使孩子有時間注意課本以外的生活情形,週末再安排孩子去孤兒院、老人院服務,從實做中體驗生命的意義,就可以大幅改善孩子的同理心。父母本身也要改變「萬般皆下品,唯有讀書高」的心態,不要一味追求高分,讓孩子誤以為只有讀書是重要的,其餘都不屑一顧。其實在現在多元化的社會,行行出狀元,能力比學歷重要得多。《侏羅紀公園》(Jurassic Park)的作者麥克•克萊頓(Michael Crichton)說:恐嚇是最卑劣的斂財方式。「不要輸在跑點上」就是句恐嚇的話,恐嚇父母如果不送孩子去補習,就會輸給別人。童年是人格成長、品德塑造最重要的時候,許多父母為了不輸在起跑點上,把孩子的童年犧牲掉了,真是可惡又可悲。教養孩子沒有撇步,也沒有捷徑,父母最知道自己孩子的長處與習性,所以不要管別人怎麼補,安心的把孩子留在身邊,學習課本以外的人生知識。每個孩子都不同,天下沒有放諸四海皆準的教養手冊,只要孩子每天迫不及待睜開眼睛,想趕快開始他的一天,你就做對了。人生是很公平的,現在你陪伴孩子成長,將來他會陪伴你年老。
我去一個小學演講,經過音樂教室前,看到一個孩子伸著兩隻穿著襪子的腳,坐在教室門口哭,我正想問他為什麼哭時,老師一把把我拉住說:「不要幫他穿鞋子,開學已經六週了,每次上音樂課,他都要 老師幫他穿鞋子,已經三年級了,還不肯自己學著穿,每次都哭到有人替他穿為止,我們現在決定訓練他自己穿。他要自己肯學,別人教他才有用。」我聽了非常訝異,怎麼有三年級還不會穿鞋子?父母會不會保護過頭了?老師說現在孩子成熟得慢,有進了小學還不會拿筷子的孩子,也有不會扣扣子的等等,令人想到英國的查理王子,連牙膏都要侍從替他擠。有人認為這是福氣,什麼事都有人做得好好的,自己不必動手,我卻認為這是看不起自己,把自己當廢物看待,侍從一不在,自己就不能生活了。無獨有偶,回到家把報紙打開來看時,看到嘉義有位老師,讀者投書「小小晉惠帝,你我是幫凶」,原來這位老師在班上讓學生看一部電影《跑吧!孩子》,講一對小兄妹沒有錢買鞋子,輪流穿一雙鞋,有一天鞋子不見了,引出一串風波的故事。演完後,老師問學生的感想,學生說鞋子不見了,再買一雙就好,幹嘛這麼辛苦,大費周 章呢?電影中,小女孩的母親要臨盆了,她趕著去鄰村請產婆,跑到一半,鞋子壞掉,她只好光著腳跑過滿是碎玻璃和尖石頭的路,滿腳鮮血淋漓,我們的學生完全不能了解為什麼小女孩不顧自己的痛,還要繼續跑,七嘴八舌在批評她不會想別的方法,沒有想到她的母親正躺在床上等她去求救。建國中學有位專門帶數理資優 班的老師,在他寫的書《我的資優班》中,也提到颱風時,豪雨引起土石流,把山地一個村莊給埋掉了,他在感嘆生命無常時,一個學生說:「活該,誰叫他們要住那裡,幹麼不搬下來到安全的地方住!」一句話令人馬上想到晉惠帝及法國大革命時的皇后瑪莉•安東尼(Marie Antoinette, 1755-1793)。我們的教育怎麼了?怎麼連第一流學校資優班的學生思想都如此幼稚?他們難道以為每個人都像他們一樣要什麼有什麼,吃好的,用好的,暑假去美國、加拿大遊學?這種飽漢不知餓漢飢的反應,使我想起桃芝颱風來襲時,尖石鄉居民用直升機撤離,一位國小校長向某慈善基金會要求緊急安置款,該基金會竟然要校長先寫計劃書送過來,等他們看了再決定,遠水救不了近火,令人感嘆。坐在冷氣房中的人完全無法體會無家可歸的緊急性。台灣的同理心,不但學生沒有,連大人也沒有。難怪政府官員的思考模式與決策都是如此自我中心,完全不知民間疾苦。他們大筆一揮「封山」,立刻斷掉梨山農民的生路,成堆的高麗菜爛在田裡,有車沒有路可以運下山去賣。孩子因此無錢繳學費,還得翻過中央山脈到宜蘭去上學,變成咫尺天涯。
看起來,我們真的是如嘉義 那位老師所說的,都是幫凶。我們沒有讓孩子去體驗課本以外的生活,沒有給他們機會去感受別人的苦難。歐洲有一個盲啞學校的校長規定,新進老師必須綁上眼罩一週,連睡覺都不可拿下,切實體驗盲人的感覺。校長說老師若不能體驗學生的狀況,便無法產生同理心,就無法拉近師生距離,便不會有好的教學效果。這位校長真是對極了,因為老師在綁上眼罩不見天日後,立刻體會到盲童的辛苦,不再責怪他們動作太慢,不耐煩的催他們快點。台灣近年來自殺率一直居高不下,加上一連串的學童惡作劇,如把剪刀放在同學的椅子上,把同學的直腸戳破;把柳丁當球從二樓擲下,打瞎同學的眼睛等等,這些無知所造成受害者不可逆轉的身心傷害,終於使政府看到生命教育的重要性,開始推動生命教育。但是推行的方法仍然是課堂授課,由政府出錢編寫生命教育的課本,再擠壓原有的上課時數來「教」生命教育。其實生命教育不是用「教」的,它是用「體會」的,考它、背它是緣木求魚,徒勞無功。老師只要不出一大堆家庭作業,使孩子有時間注意課本以外的生活情形,週末再安排孩子去孤兒院、老人院服務,從實做中體驗生命的意義,就可以大幅改善孩子的同理心。父母本身也要改變「萬般皆下品,唯有讀書高」的心態,不要一味追求高分,讓孩子誤以為只有讀書是重要的,其餘都不屑一顧。其實在現在多元化的社會,行行出狀元,能力比學歷重要得多。《侏羅紀公園》(Jurassic Park)的作者麥克•克萊頓(Michael Crichton)說:恐嚇是最卑劣的斂財方式。「不要輸在跑點上」就是句恐嚇的話,恐嚇父母如果不送孩子去補習,就會輸給別人。童年是人格成長、品德塑造最重要的時候,許多父母為了不輸在起跑點上,把孩子的童年犧牲掉了,真是可惡又可悲。教養孩子沒有撇步,也沒有捷徑,父母最知道自己孩子的長處與習性,所以不要管別人怎麼補,安心的把孩子留在身邊,學習課本以外的人生知識。每個孩子都不同,天下沒有放諸四海皆準的教養手冊,只要孩子每天迫不及待睜開眼睛,想趕快開始他的一天,你就做對了。人生是很公平的,現在你陪伴孩子成長,將來他會陪伴你年老。
Mouth function
What is the mouth fuction?
for eating? for talking?
From the tradtional chinese culture, we have to very careful of it. Since the illness comes from what we eat. When we enjoyed the taste of the food, the colour of the food, be careful, when it is not natural, it might hurt our health. Focus on natural need rather than the taste and colour, and eat less, We do not need too much food everyday, Wants always beyond the needs.
Think before eating!
Be cautious for the talking also, as the bad luck might begin from just the small word we talked everyday, ask yourself, Am I talking to people all the truth? Do I use my talking fuction properly? Is it for comfort people or hurt people?
Think before talking!
By the way, like eating, we always talking too much, How many times been allowed waste?
How long is our life?
Think about the players in Olmpic Games, The target of their life is champion. What is our target of life?
What is the mouth fuction?
for eating? for talking?
From the tradtional chinese culture, we have to very careful of it. Since the illness comes from what we eat. When we enjoyed the taste of the food, the colour of the food, be careful, when it is not natural, it might hurt our health. Focus on natural need rather than the taste and colour, and eat less, We do not need too much food everyday, Wants always beyond the needs.
Think before eating!
Be cautious for the talking also, as the bad luck might begin from just the small word we talked everyday, ask yourself, Am I talking to people all the truth? Do I use my talking fuction properly? Is it for comfort people or hurt people?
Think before talking!
By the way, like eating, we always talking too much, How many times been allowed waste?
How long is our life?
Think about the players in Olmpic Games, The target of their life is champion. What is our target of life?
Thursday, August 7, 2008
fighting Cancer information
This is all about fighting CancerUnder weakly alkaline condition, cancerous cells will not be able to grow,or even to survive.
More that 30 years ago, a Mr Zhang who work in the public sale department of a Taipei Brewery, participated in the brewery overseas study selection examination, and passed with flying colours.
Before going overseas during the physical examination at a public hospital, it was discovered that he has a tumour growth in his lung of the size of a child's feast, and therefore was not able to go overseas to study.
在出國前經某公立醫院體檢發現,罹患有像小孩拳頭大小的肺部腫瘤,因而不能出國。The greatly disappointed Mr Zhang has always been suspicious that the diagnosis was wrong. So he went to another hospital for a check-up, the result confirm that previous diagnosis was not in error.
Let me ask you do you know why is cancer referred to as terminal illness?'
Dr Lu explained: 'There are only two approaches taken by human to treat cancer to date. The first is to destroy the source of the disease. The second is the increase the capability to fight the disease.
呂博士說:「人類醫治癌症到目前為止只有兩條路,第一條路是消滅病源,第二條路是增加抵抗力。But the strange thing is that, cancer whether we use Cobalt 60 or other drug to destroy the cancer cells, however, before the cancer cells are killed, the good cells are destroyed first.
On the other hand, no matter we use what nutrients or supplements, before the good cells have a chance to absorb them, the cancer cells have taken them up and it simply speeds up the grow of cancer.
Therefore both approaches are doomed to failure, that is why cancer is terminal.'
因此可說上述兩條路都行不通、所以叫絕症。Dr Lu continues: 'Human being is most clever, they have successfully landed on the moon. But why is it no one ever question the above two approaches for treating cancer are nothing but self defeating dead-ends, try to seek out a third avenue?
呂博士又說:「人類的聰明連登陸月球也都已經成功,但為什麼沒有人去懷疑上述兩條治癌的路是在鑽牛角尖,另外找第三條路?When I was conducting clinical research in Majie Hospital , I had many opportunities to work with and being helped by many colleagues in the Hospital. I discovered that the blood tests of 100% of the cancer patients showed that the blood sample are acidic.
我以往在馬偕醫院做癌症临床實驗,並得院內各部同仁協助的機會,我發現癌症病人血液檢查的結果百分之百都是酸性反應。Those Buddhist monks and nuns who are long term vegetarians and live very close to Nature, their blood are prevalently weakly alkaline and amongst them, there has yet to discover any cancer cases.
Therefore, I boldly concluded that under weakly alkaline condition, cancer cells are not able to grow, or even to survive.
因此我大膽的斷定在弱鹼性體質的狀態下,癌細胞是無法生長、甚至是無法生存的。I would suggest that starting from now you reduce your intake of the acidic meaty dishes. Take more of the alkaline food. In addition you can take green algae and soup made from water chestnuts with shell, Modify your physical condition, and try seriously to have a regular life style which is close to Nature;
If you can manage to stay alive for five years, you should have no further problem. I wish you the best of luck.'
Mr Zhang follow Dr Lu's suggestion and seriously alter his eating habits.
Every day, he ate green algae, drank chestnut soup, be optimistic and doing appropriate amount of exercise, and went back to the same public hospital for a check up. It was discovered that not only that the tumour did not increase in size, on the contrary it showed signs of shrinking, and surprised the hospital staff conducting the check-up as a miracle. Five years later, the tumour s shrunk to such a state as to be almost disappeared.
After almost 40 years, presently Mr Zhang's health is totally normal, and living a very pleasant life.經過了將近四十年歲月,現在張先生的健康情況完全正常,生活起居甚為愉快。
One should take care of oneself but should also be caring about others, 85% of cancer patients have acidic in their physical condition
Blood of healthy persons is weakly alkaline in nature, with a pH of about 7.35 to 7.45. Babies' blood is also weakly acidic. As adults mature their blood becomes more acidic in nature.健康人的血液是成弱鹼性的,約是pH7.35~7.45左右。嬰兒也是屬於弱鹼性的體質。成長期的成人有體質酸化的現象。
According to a study of 600 cancer patients, of their bodily fluid, 85% of the patients are acidic.根據一項六百位癌症病人體液分佈的研究,顯示85﹪癌症病患屬於酸性體質。
Therefore, how to maintain the weakly acidic nature of our body is the first step for moving far away from diseases.
Acidic physical conditions manifest itself in:酸性體質的生理表徵
1. Skin without lustre1.皮膚無光澤。
2. Athlete's foot2.香港腳。
3. Feeling tire even with very little exercise, and feeling sleep the moment one gets on to public buses3.稍做運動即感疲勞,一上公車便想睡覺。
4. Easily out of breath going up and down stair4.上下樓梯容易氣喘。
5. Fat and with lower stomach protruding,5.肥胖、下腹突出。
6. Move slowly and movement lethargic6.步伐緩慢、動作遲緩。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Why does the body physical condition turn acidic?為什麼會形成酸性體質?
1. Excessive intake of dairy acidic food1.過度攝取乳酸性食品
a) Meat, dairy products, eggs, beef, ham, etc are acidic fooda)肉類、乳酪製品與蛋、牛肉、火腿等皆屬於酸性食品。
b) Taking too much acidic food will cause the blood to become acidic and viscous, difficult to flow to the end of blood vessels, leading to cold feet or knee, stiff shoulders and insomnia.b)攝取過量的酸性食品血液會傾向酸性而變黏稠,不易流到細血管的末稍,而易造成手腳或膝蓋的冷寒症,以及肩膀僵硬和失眠等。
c) When one is young and strong, taking suitable quantity of meat is appropriate, but older people it more suitable to have a diet which are primarily vegetables.c)年輕力壯時吃適量的肉類是對的,但老年人則以蔬菜為宜。
2. Irregularity in the pace of life will cause the body physical condition to become acidic2.生活步調失常會造成酸性體質
a) Irregular pace in life will lead to mental and physical stressa)生活步調失常會造成精神與肉體的壓力。
b) According to statistics, people who sleep late are more likely to have cancer than normal persons, by as much as 5 times.b)據統計,晚睡者罹患癌症的機率比正常人高出五倍。
c) Human beings originally lead a life with regular tempo in this world, it is not possible to store up sleep or food and not possible to change the order of living by mixing up days and nights.c)人類本來就活在節奏的世界裡,無法事先儲備睡眠或飲食,也不能日夜顛倒。
d) Human organs are controlled by the autonomic nerves, and during day time it is mainly sympathetic nerves activities, and at night it is mainly the parasympathetic nerves which are functioning, If this order is disturbed and reversed, then diseases will result.d)人體內臟受自律神經控制,白天主要是交感神經活動,晚上則由副交感神經工作,若使其錯亂及倒置,就亦百病滋生。
3. Emotion over tensed3.情緒過於緊張
a) Civilised society brings stressesa)文明社會會造成的壓力。
b) Job related or mental stressesb)工作上或精神上的壓力。
c) A person suffers mental stress, when the stress is removed and the person relaxes, sometimes this may lead to death, referred to as the syndrome of imperfect adrenal cortex function.c)當一個人承受精神壓力後,一旦緊張鬆弛,時會造成猝死,稱為潛在性副腎皮質機能不全症。
4. Physical Stress4.肉體的緊張a) Before any operation it would be necessary to check to see if the renal cortex does function normally. If the adrenal cortex is lacking, or if the stress imposed by the operation exceeded the ability of adrenal cortex to cope, it could lead to death or other undesirable impacts.
a)動手術之前應先檢查腎上腺皮質機能是否正常。如果副腎皮質機能較差,或手術壓力遠超過副腎調整功能,則可能造成病人死亡或其他不良影響。b) If it noted that patient's face is puffy, it would be necessary to inquire in detail the patient's medical history and medication status, for patients taking adrenal cortical hormone, extra care should be exercise when administering acupuncture.
c) Stress due to physical labour or exercise in excess, whole night card games, driving etc should be avoided as much as possiblec)勞動或運動過度,通宵打牌、開車等壓力都應盡量避免。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Appendix: Acidity/alkalinity of Common food stuff附錄:常見食物的酸鹼性1. Strongly acidic food: egg yolk, cheese, cake make with white sugar or persimmon, mullet fish roe, dried cod.1.強酸性食品:蛋黃、乳酪、白糖做的西點或柿子、烏魚子、柴魚等。2. Mildly acidic food: ham, bacon, chicken meat, squid, pork, eel, beef, bread, wheat, butter, horse meat etc2.中酸性食品:火腿、培根、雞肉、鮪魚、豬肉、鰻魚、牛肉、麵包、小麥、奶油、馬肉等。3. Weakly acidic food: white rice, peanut, beer, alcohol, oil, fried tofu, sea weed, clam, octopus, catfish3.弱酸性食品:白米、落花生、啤酒、酒、油炸豆腐、海苔、文蛤、章魚、泥鰍。4.Weakly alkaline food: red bean, radish, apple, cabbage, onion, tofu etc.4.弱鹼性食品:紅豆、蘿蔔、蘋果、甘藍菜、洋蔥、豆腐等。5. Mildly alkaline food: dried radish, Soya bean, carrot, tomato, banana, orange, pumpkin strawberry, egg white, dried plum, lemon, spinach, etc.5.中鹼性食品:蘿蔔乾、大豆、紅蘿蔔、蕃茄、香蕉、橘子、南瓜、草莓、蛋白、梅乾、檸檬、菠菜等。6. Strongly alkaline food: grape, tea leave, grape wine, kelp, sprout, kelp, etc. Especially natural green algae which contain rich quantity of chlorophyll are very good alkaline health food, but tea should not be drunk in excess, and best to drink in the morning.6.強鹼性食品:葡萄、茶葉、葡萄酒、海帶芽、海帶等。尤其是天然綠藻富含葉綠素,是不錯的鹼性健康食品,而茶類不宜過量,最佳飲用時間為早上。Passing this on is also a Blessing!
This is all about fighting CancerUnder weakly alkaline condition, cancerous cells will not be able to grow,or even to survive.
More that 30 years ago, a Mr Zhang who work in the public sale department of a Taipei Brewery, participated in the brewery overseas study selection examination, and passed with flying colours.
Before going overseas during the physical examination at a public hospital, it was discovered that he has a tumour growth in his lung of the size of a child's feast, and therefore was not able to go overseas to study.
在出國前經某公立醫院體檢發現,罹患有像小孩拳頭大小的肺部腫瘤,因而不能出國。The greatly disappointed Mr Zhang has always been suspicious that the diagnosis was wrong. So he went to another hospital for a check-up, the result confirm that previous diagnosis was not in error.
Let me ask you do you know why is cancer referred to as terminal illness?'
Dr Lu explained: 'There are only two approaches taken by human to treat cancer to date. The first is to destroy the source of the disease. The second is the increase the capability to fight the disease.
呂博士說:「人類醫治癌症到目前為止只有兩條路,第一條路是消滅病源,第二條路是增加抵抗力。But the strange thing is that, cancer whether we use Cobalt 60 or other drug to destroy the cancer cells, however, before the cancer cells are killed, the good cells are destroyed first.
On the other hand, no matter we use what nutrients or supplements, before the good cells have a chance to absorb them, the cancer cells have taken them up and it simply speeds up the grow of cancer.
Therefore both approaches are doomed to failure, that is why cancer is terminal.'
因此可說上述兩條路都行不通、所以叫絕症。Dr Lu continues: 'Human being is most clever, they have successfully landed on the moon. But why is it no one ever question the above two approaches for treating cancer are nothing but self defeating dead-ends, try to seek out a third avenue?
呂博士又說:「人類的聰明連登陸月球也都已經成功,但為什麼沒有人去懷疑上述兩條治癌的路是在鑽牛角尖,另外找第三條路?When I was conducting clinical research in Majie Hospital , I had many opportunities to work with and being helped by many colleagues in the Hospital. I discovered that the blood tests of 100% of the cancer patients showed that the blood sample are acidic.
我以往在馬偕醫院做癌症临床實驗,並得院內各部同仁協助的機會,我發現癌症病人血液檢查的結果百分之百都是酸性反應。Those Buddhist monks and nuns who are long term vegetarians and live very close to Nature, their blood are prevalently weakly alkaline and amongst them, there has yet to discover any cancer cases.
Therefore, I boldly concluded that under weakly alkaline condition, cancer cells are not able to grow, or even to survive.
因此我大膽的斷定在弱鹼性體質的狀態下,癌細胞是無法生長、甚至是無法生存的。I would suggest that starting from now you reduce your intake of the acidic meaty dishes. Take more of the alkaline food. In addition you can take green algae and soup made from water chestnuts with shell, Modify your physical condition, and try seriously to have a regular life style which is close to Nature;
If you can manage to stay alive for five years, you should have no further problem. I wish you the best of luck.'
Mr Zhang follow Dr Lu's suggestion and seriously alter his eating habits.
Every day, he ate green algae, drank chestnut soup, be optimistic and doing appropriate amount of exercise, and went back to the same public hospital for a check up. It was discovered that not only that the tumour did not increase in size, on the contrary it showed signs of shrinking, and surprised the hospital staff conducting the check-up as a miracle. Five years later, the tumour s shrunk to such a state as to be almost disappeared.
After almost 40 years, presently Mr Zhang's health is totally normal, and living a very pleasant life.經過了將近四十年歲月,現在張先生的健康情況完全正常,生活起居甚為愉快。
One should take care of oneself but should also be caring about others, 85% of cancer patients have acidic in their physical condition
Blood of healthy persons is weakly alkaline in nature, with a pH of about 7.35 to 7.45. Babies' blood is also weakly acidic. As adults mature their blood becomes more acidic in nature.健康人的血液是成弱鹼性的,約是pH7.35~7.45左右。嬰兒也是屬於弱鹼性的體質。成長期的成人有體質酸化的現象。
According to a study of 600 cancer patients, of their bodily fluid, 85% of the patients are acidic.根據一項六百位癌症病人體液分佈的研究,顯示85﹪癌症病患屬於酸性體質。
Therefore, how to maintain the weakly acidic nature of our body is the first step for moving far away from diseases.
Acidic physical conditions manifest itself in:酸性體質的生理表徵
1. Skin without lustre1.皮膚無光澤。
2. Athlete's foot2.香港腳。
3. Feeling tire even with very little exercise, and feeling sleep the moment one gets on to public buses3.稍做運動即感疲勞,一上公車便想睡覺。
4. Easily out of breath going up and down stair4.上下樓梯容易氣喘。
5. Fat and with lower stomach protruding,5.肥胖、下腹突出。
6. Move slowly and movement lethargic6.步伐緩慢、動作遲緩。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Why does the body physical condition turn acidic?為什麼會形成酸性體質?
1. Excessive intake of dairy acidic food1.過度攝取乳酸性食品
a) Meat, dairy products, eggs, beef, ham, etc are acidic fooda)肉類、乳酪製品與蛋、牛肉、火腿等皆屬於酸性食品。
b) Taking too much acidic food will cause the blood to become acidic and viscous, difficult to flow to the end of blood vessels, leading to cold feet or knee, stiff shoulders and insomnia.b)攝取過量的酸性食品血液會傾向酸性而變黏稠,不易流到細血管的末稍,而易造成手腳或膝蓋的冷寒症,以及肩膀僵硬和失眠等。
c) When one is young and strong, taking suitable quantity of meat is appropriate, but older people it more suitable to have a diet which are primarily vegetables.c)年輕力壯時吃適量的肉類是對的,但老年人則以蔬菜為宜。
2. Irregularity in the pace of life will cause the body physical condition to become acidic2.生活步調失常會造成酸性體質
a) Irregular pace in life will lead to mental and physical stressa)生活步調失常會造成精神與肉體的壓力。
b) According to statistics, people who sleep late are more likely to have cancer than normal persons, by as much as 5 times.b)據統計,晚睡者罹患癌症的機率比正常人高出五倍。
c) Human beings originally lead a life with regular tempo in this world, it is not possible to store up sleep or food and not possible to change the order of living by mixing up days and nights.c)人類本來就活在節奏的世界裡,無法事先儲備睡眠或飲食,也不能日夜顛倒。
d) Human organs are controlled by the autonomic nerves, and during day time it is mainly sympathetic nerves activities, and at night it is mainly the parasympathetic nerves which are functioning, If this order is disturbed and reversed, then diseases will result.d)人體內臟受自律神經控制,白天主要是交感神經活動,晚上則由副交感神經工作,若使其錯亂及倒置,就亦百病滋生。
3. Emotion over tensed3.情緒過於緊張
a) Civilised society brings stressesa)文明社會會造成的壓力。
b) Job related or mental stressesb)工作上或精神上的壓力。
c) A person suffers mental stress, when the stress is removed and the person relaxes, sometimes this may lead to death, referred to as the syndrome of imperfect adrenal cortex function.c)當一個人承受精神壓力後,一旦緊張鬆弛,時會造成猝死,稱為潛在性副腎皮質機能不全症。
4. Physical Stress4.肉體的緊張a) Before any operation it would be necessary to check to see if the renal cortex does function normally. If the adrenal cortex is lacking, or if the stress imposed by the operation exceeded the ability of adrenal cortex to cope, it could lead to death or other undesirable impacts.
a)動手術之前應先檢查腎上腺皮質機能是否正常。如果副腎皮質機能較差,或手術壓力遠超過副腎調整功能,則可能造成病人死亡或其他不良影響。b) If it noted that patient's face is puffy, it would be necessary to inquire in detail the patient's medical history and medication status, for patients taking adrenal cortical hormone, extra care should be exercise when administering acupuncture.
c) Stress due to physical labour or exercise in excess, whole night card games, driving etc should be avoided as much as possiblec)勞動或運動過度,通宵打牌、開車等壓力都應盡量避免。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Appendix: Acidity/alkalinity of Common food stuff附錄:常見食物的酸鹼性1. Strongly acidic food: egg yolk, cheese, cake make with white sugar or persimmon, mullet fish roe, dried cod.1.強酸性食品:蛋黃、乳酪、白糖做的西點或柿子、烏魚子、柴魚等。2. Mildly acidic food: ham, bacon, chicken meat, squid, pork, eel, beef, bread, wheat, butter, horse meat etc2.中酸性食品:火腿、培根、雞肉、鮪魚、豬肉、鰻魚、牛肉、麵包、小麥、奶油、馬肉等。3. Weakly acidic food: white rice, peanut, beer, alcohol, oil, fried tofu, sea weed, clam, octopus, catfish3.弱酸性食品:白米、落花生、啤酒、酒、油炸豆腐、海苔、文蛤、章魚、泥鰍。4.Weakly alkaline food: red bean, radish, apple, cabbage, onion, tofu etc.4.弱鹼性食品:紅豆、蘿蔔、蘋果、甘藍菜、洋蔥、豆腐等。5. Mildly alkaline food: dried radish, Soya bean, carrot, tomato, banana, orange, pumpkin strawberry, egg white, dried plum, lemon, spinach, etc.5.中鹼性食品:蘿蔔乾、大豆、紅蘿蔔、蕃茄、香蕉、橘子、南瓜、草莓、蛋白、梅乾、檸檬、菠菜等。6. Strongly alkaline food: grape, tea leave, grape wine, kelp, sprout, kelp, etc. Especially natural green algae which contain rich quantity of chlorophyll are very good alkaline health food, but tea should not be drunk in excess, and best to drink in the morning.6.強鹼性食品:葡萄、茶葉、葡萄酒、海帶芽、海帶等。尤其是天然綠藻富含葉綠素,是不錯的鹼性健康食品,而茶類不宜過量,最佳飲用時間為早上。Passing this on is also a Blessing!
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